Crash course on git
Git Basic
- Initializing a repository in an existing directory:
git init
- Cloning a repository:
git clone git://server/project
For Windows user :
- for GUI, or for a non-free alternative
- for
, the command line interface
- Two states for files: tracked or untracked
- Tracked files can be unmodified, modified, or staged.
- Know the state with:
git status
- Add new file or staged modified files:
git add file
- View diff with:
git diff
It shows the diff between modified and staged files
- View diff scheduled for commit with:
git diff --cached
- Ignore files by creating a
- Commit wih:
git commit
- Commit by skipping the staging area (aka “commit a la svn”):
git commit -a
- Remove file with:
git rm file
, to keep the file on HDD but stop the git trackinggit rm --cached file
- Moving file with:
git mv file
Git log
- Tree view of your repro:
git log --graph --date-order
, or add in your~/.gitconfig
an alias section with [alias] lgr = log –graph –date-order –pretty=format:’%Cblue%h %Cgreen%ci %Cred%an, %Cblue%m %Creset%s %Cred%d’ - Display diff with from 2 commits ago:
git diff HEAD~2 HEAD
orgit diff @~2
as HEAD is implicit - List commit for a specific file:
git log --abbrev-commit myfile
- Coming back in time :
git checkout commit-hash
, detaching HEAD. You could come back to the topmost commit of your branch withgit switch -
Undoing things
- Changin last commit:
git commit --amend
- Unstaging a file with:
git reset HEAD file
- Unmodifying a file (aka svn revert):
git checkout -- file
Working with remote
- Show the remote with:
git remote
orgit remote -v
- Adding a remote repository with:
git remote add [shortname] [url]
- Show existing tags:
git tag
- Add a new tag:
git tag -a tagname -m "Message"
- Sharing one tag:
git push origin [tagname]
or all tags:git push origin --tags
- Get tags from remote:
git fetch --all --tags --prune
and checkout to the desired tags:git checkout tags/<tag_name> -b <branch_name>
Branching and merging
- Create a branch:
git branch [branchname]
- Switch to branch:
git checkout [branchname]
- Create and switch with
git checkout -b [branchname]
- Delete branch:
git branch -d [branchname]
- Merge with branch:
git merge [branchname]
, solve conflict withgit mergetool
Remote branches
- Remote branches are readonly and denoted (remote)/(branch) instead of (branch) for local branches.
- Synchronize with remote:
git fetch (remote)
, e.g.git fetch origin
- Push the branch on remote:
git push (remote) (branch)
, orgit push (remote) (localBranch:remoteBranch)
- After a
git fetch origin
new branches are available that can be merge into current branch withgit merge origin/(branch)
, it is also possible to start a local branch with the same namegit checkout -b (branch) (remote)/(branch)
orgit checkout --track (remote)/(branch)
- If you forgot to track a remote branch on your local branch, you could use
git branch -u remote/branch
to follow the remote branch. - Delete a remote branch:
git push [remotename] :[branch]
- Clone a GitHub repository on your account
- Clone your remote on local:
git clone
- Add the original repository:
git remote add upstream
- Create a branch to work:
git checkout -b topic
,git commit
- Merge with upstream:
git fetch upstream
,git checkout master
,git merge upstream/master
- Rebase a branch on another:
git rebase [basebranch] [topicbranch]
, thengit checkout basebranch
andgit merge topicbranch
, finallygit branch -d topicbranch
- Rebase a PR branch on newly pushed master:
git checkout mybranch
,git rebase master-upstream
,git merge
,git commit
, or more simplygit checkout mybranch
,git rebase upstream/master
,git push -f origin mybranch
- Rebase branch C, branched from B (but independent from it), on branch A:
git rebase --onto A B C
- Do not rebase commits that you have pushed to a public repository if your are on a public branch
Tips and tricks
- Use bash completion for git : use zsh, or else download and source it :
source ~/git-completion.bash
. - Use global aliases :
git config --global checkout
,git config --global commit
andgit config --global status
- Exporting to zip :
git archive --format zip --output /full/path/to/ master
orgit archive master | zip >
- Remove file from git but keep it on the disk :
git rm --cached file1.txt
- my .gitconfig file is available on gist
- To store credential in https:
git config credential.helper store
, then your command, likegit pull
, andgit config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=6400'
- Check for whitespace commit:
git diff --check
- ProGit, a complete book, this is a must-read.
- Learn Git Branching, an incredible tutorial, with realistic environment in your browser!
- Git tutorial for scientist, nice figures and very useful
- GitHub help on how to fork a repo and syncing a fork
- Git-game v2, a game to learn command line git.
- Become a git guru, another tutorial with nice figures.